1994 photo credit: Sunny Montgomery

1994 photo credit: Sunny Montgomery

2012 self portrait

2012 self portrait

Candace Sherman

When I was 15 years old, I borrowed my dad's 35mm Pentax and began taking Black and White Photography & Dark Room Techniques at The Memphis College of Art. My passion was being in the dark room processing and developing prints, but being behind the camera created friendships that have lasted for over two decades.

The birth of my first child brought me into the digital age and while being in front of a computer does not have that same mystique as watching prints magically develop in trays- I appreciate the versatility and endless possibilities to combine my background in Theater/Film, painting, and photography into unique portraiture that allows my subjects personalities to shine.

Black Thorne Cove

Black Thorne Cove, is my childhood home where all my dreams began.

Giving Back to the Community

In Fall of 2017, I donated twenty one mini sessions to a Houston Montessori school for fundraising.

In Spring of 2018, I donated nearly five hundred portraits to a Houston school for fundraising.


The Evergreen State College

Bachelor of Arts in Film, Creative Writing, and Asian Studies, January 2001

The Memphis College of Art

Black and White Photography & Dark Room Techniques 2 yrs

Experience: Theater

Theater of Memphis, Actress

Childrens Theater of Memphis, Actress and Makeup/Hair Co-ordinator

Childrens Theater of Germantown, Actress, Dancer, and Makeup/Hair Co-ordinator

Thespian member inducted in 1994


My past mediums are acrylic, oils, and clays, currently I am working with encaustic, digital, and Ralph Cordero's sculpting wax.